Driving under the influence (or DUI) is one of the most common offenses committed in America. To some people, it may seem as a minor offense that you can just deal with by paying a fine or doing community service, but things are not as easy as that. Just like any other criminal offenses, you have to undergo a lengthy legal process in order to settle a number of issues before you can resume your life.

So in case you have found yourself stopped by the authorities for driving under the influence, do you know the things that you have to do? Then you have to read on for you to know more about what to do – and increase the chances of getting off the hook fast.
Things You Need to Do in Case of a DUI Offense
When you are pulled over by the authorities for driving under the influence, you need to know the right things to do. Do not act on your own, especially if it just your first time to be stopped for such offense – otherwise, things might get even worse, and might lessen your chances to get off the hook in the most legal way. If you get pulled over for DUI, you need to do the following.
First thing to do is of course, to pull over normally, in a calm manner. Do not ever dare to run away. Always remember that when you are pulled for this reason, everything you do, including the way you stop, is being recorded.
Next thing to do is that once you pulled over, and you have to talk with the authorities, you have to be polite at all times. Remember, everything you do and say is being recorded by the police. You surely don’t want to appear to be rude and uncooperative in the eyes of the people who will get to watch the video, or listen to the audio recordings.
Also, when you are asked to answer their questions, remember this – you have the right to remain silent, and have a lawyer to help you out with your case. Any answer you’ll give might be used against you in court.
Lastly, you have to choose the DUI lawyer to help you in winning your case. Chances are, the one that you’ll hire will be more likely to help you settle your case in your favor than the lawyer that the authorities will provide you.